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Padlet, Smithsonian, and MoMA

For those of you that don't know, I am currently building a unit for an English literature class for the first time. There are a lot of things I am trying to take into consideration with it, so I'm constantly altering in little (or big) ways. Right now, I'm pretty confident in my unit sketch, which encompasses a number of standards and learning experiences. For the purposes of my classes, I have focused primarily on three major assessments for the unit.
Recently, I made a Padlet to express these assessments using images of displays from MoMA and Smithsonian. I approached this as an opportunity to test out Padlet as a potential technology to use in the classroom and I certainly did learn about the program. I was surprised by the MoMA and Smithsonian websites, though. These websites are very well-curated and are a hidden gem of a resource. The display can be used in a way similar to how I used them in this Padlet, as writing prompts, or for a multitude of other uses in an English classroom.


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